Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, blocked to short leg
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, shortish delivery, Perera flicks it to mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, 1 run, now gets closer to the pitch of the ball after using his feet, drives it past Jack Leach for a run to long-on
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, flighted delivery just outside off stump, Embuldeniya steps out and defends
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, tries to loft this but mistimes, goes to long-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, floated up just outside off stump, Perera defends
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, spinning back in, Embuldeniya goes back and defends
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, now leans forward and plays a compact forward defence
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, SIX, oh the slog-sweep comes out, again a lot of dust but Embuldeniya saw that well and nailed the shot. That's a way to open the account
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, pitch disturbed by this flighted delivery, Embuldeniya defends to leg. Sri Lanka spinners will love this
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, Embuldeniya defends this uppishly back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, short and spinning away, Perera cracks it hard to deep cover, jogs for a run
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, punched off the back foot to cover and that's drinks
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full on off-stump, pushed out to cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full and stays low outside off, Perera goes deep inside the crease and brings his bat down in time
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, fuller and just outside off, Perera presses forward to block it into the off-side
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, short and flat outside off, tapped into the covers
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, gets back and across to defend this into the surface
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, drifting into the pads, Embuldeniya looks to defend and slices it off the inside half towards FSL
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, loopy outside off, Embuldeniya jams the defence onto his boot
Jack Leach to Embuldeniya, no run, full outside off, Embuldeniya presses forward and defends to FSL
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, fuller on the stumps, Perera eases it down to long-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, FOUR, stays low and sweeps the full delivery through mid-wicket. Huge backlift and the extension of wrists at the time of contact made that shot look even more beautiful
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, touch flatter outside off, no shot offered
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, Dilruwan Perera isn't bothered to bat an eye at his partner. Just strolls to the non-striker's end after flicking a full delivery off his pads
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, forward and blocked back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, shimmies down the track, meets the ball on the full and drives it to the right of the bowler
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, strides across to block and gets beaten on the outside edge
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, gets forward and taps the full delivery to point
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, SIX, Dilruwan Perera making his intentions clear. Jumps down the track, gets to the pitch of the delivery and pumps it high and over the long-off fence
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, forward and blocked
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, FOUR, smart play from Dilruwan Perera! Sees Jack Leach drop it a fraction short and plays the cut nearly off Buttler's gloves, sending it racing past short third to his left
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full and spinning away outside off, Perera lets it go
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full on off-stump, played back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, punched off the back foot to short extra cover
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, full and drifting into the pads, Dickwella crouches and sweeps to short fine
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, fuller on off-stump, blocked back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, jumps on the back foot and punches the short delivery to cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, presses forward and gets a slim inside onto front pad. Mild appeal, but no dice
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, Buttler goes up in appeal straightaway, but they decide not to go for the review. Loopy delivery that rips off the surface with fizzing bounce as Perera looks to defend off the front foot. Spins past the outside edge and the sound could have been off the bat grazing the front pad. Root has a brief chat with Buttler and decides against the review
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full and drags Perera onto the front foot, defended to short cover
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, sliding into the pads, Dickwella swats it behind square on the leg-side
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, shimmies out of his crease and flicks the full delivery to square leg
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, full on the stumps, Perera pushes it wide of mid-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, poor review from England. Pitched well outside leg as Perera missed the sweep, struck a shade below the knee roll in line with middle and leg but none of that counts...
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, fuller and sliding in, Dickwella tucks it to Bairstow at short mid-wicket, a slight fumble allows the quick single
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, too full outside off, jams the drive towards short cover
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, short and slipping down the leg-side, Dickwella drags the pull straight to the fielder at short fine
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full on off-stump, negated into the covers
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full on the stumps, Perera strides forward and blocks into the leg-side
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, forward and blocked into the off-side
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, drifting away outside off, Perera lunges across and lets it go
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, slower and on the just outside off, Perera presses forward and blocks
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, drops it short and onto the pads, allowing Dickwella to rock back and pull it to deep mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, steps out, gets to the pitch of the ball in whipping it down to long-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, drifting into the feet, nurdled away to fine leg
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, flighted, in middle, knocked back down the pitch
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, shuffles, stays on the back foot to a skidding in length delivery, and hence to to I0$ crouch as he keeps it out
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, slight outside-half on this defence, squirting away to backward point
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full, outside off, driven away to extra cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, lines up on his back foot, but then holds himself back from cutting, letting the shorter-than-usual delivery spin by
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, flatter, which Perera goes deep in his crease to in punching away to cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full, around off, leaning block
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, drives through the line, but extra cover is in the way
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, low dipping full toss, flicked off the toe-end to long-on
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, floated up just outside off, Dickwella gets his front leg there in bunting it out
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, slightly round arm as it slings in on middle. Forward defence
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, steps out, gets close, and wrists it down to long-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, too short. Cut away hard through point, which Sibley does well to dive and cut off
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, much fuller, and Perera taking no chances with this now, stooping right to the pitch of it to smother
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, oh hello .. grip, turn, bounce. Leach finds the sweet spot somewhere outside off, getting it burst away and beat Perera's attempted cut
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, flat, top of off, dabbed out to backward point
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, back, across, straight-batted block
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 2 runs, inside-out chipped lofted drive. Not really in control, not off the middle either, but safe you'd think with nobody in the deep at extra cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, more on off, drawing a forward block
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, leans, and trusts the ball to spin away, leaving
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, another tickle, but with a bit more bat to get it behind square
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, tickled away off the front foot with the spin, but short mid-wicket comes in the way of it
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, full, on middle, wristy drive back down the pitch
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, juicy half-tracker, absolutely bashed after rocking behind, but goes straight to cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, slight grip off a good length, turning away, but Perera's forward defence is solid enough
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, steps down, flicks, all along the ground to long-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, and sensibly turns the strike over, with a soft nurdle round the corner
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, FOUR, another dancing-down-smash. Makes sure he gives his arms the room to swing with a leg-sided skip and then swings it flush into the sightscreen
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, a hint of intent in this drive, but is straight to cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, draws him forward, and some more of these full-faced forward smothers
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, opens his bat face a touch, steering his defence towards cover
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, block again, Leach gets it more on middle
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, fuller, drifting in on off from wide of the round the wicket crease. Nothing, just a block
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, dabs, but gets it only off the inside half, and gully cuts it off
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 1 run, some width. Stabbed away, backward of point
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, low full toss, but Perera rather politely clips it to mid-on
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, 2 runs, flatter, shorter, allowing Perera to camp back in his crease and use the pace on offer to dab it past slip
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, forward, big stride, blocked
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, no run, foated up again, fuller, on middle, dead bat shown
Jack Leach to Dilruwan Perera, FOUR, welcome, welcome. Leach tosses it up on middle, and Perera dances down almost premeditatedly, makes the length into one in his slot and then tonks it straight down the ground
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, full, on off, stroked straight back down the ground
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, back foot, opening his bat face and punching it on the up to cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, length, on middle, drawing him forward, to smother
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, another dance, now to whip it in front of mid-on
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, steps out, gets too close for comfort and squeezes it into off
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, chops, mistimes, but Mathews couldn't care less. It's century #11, his first at Galle, and a massively important one in the context of where Sri Lanka stand at the moment. But quite a muted celebration, none of his bat talking moves. Damn ..
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run .. 97+1, yet again, off yet another back-foot cut. For some reason England are dishing out these easy singles
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, dances down, yorks himself, but settles for a polite, quiet drive wide of mid-off
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run .. 96+1 .. another rocking-behind cut, through point again
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, a hint of turn, but Mathews with his massive forward strided block covers it rather well
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, full, on middle, flicked wide of mid-on for a quick one
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, a back-footed carve, through sweeper .. 96
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, covers the line and defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, comes nicely forward and presses this into the pitch
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, punched off the back foot towards point
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flatter delivery, Mathews pushes it towards cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery, Mathews defends to cover
Jack Leach to Dickwella, 1 run, clipped away through backward square leg
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, covers the line and blocks well
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, advances but yorks himself
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, gets a stride forward and defends to cover this time
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, easy block off the front foot
Jack Leach to Dickwella, no run, flighted delivery on the stumps, Dickwella defends into the on-side
Jack Leach to Mathews, 3 runs, goes back and flicks through mid-wicket, slows down in the deep, they come back for the third too
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, full and on the stumps, pushes it back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, fullish delivery, Mathews blocks
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, covers the line and blocks
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery just outside off stump, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, spinning away outside off stump, Mathews shoulders arms
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, worked away to mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, flatter delivery, punched towards cover on the leg stump
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 1 run, worked away through mid-on, Anderson fumbles and then almost kicks the ball in anger?
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, use of the feet this time, but can't drive it past cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, leans forward and pushes to cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, blocked
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, really full delivery, dug out
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, covers the line and blocks
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, driven to silly mid-off
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, leans forward and drives towards cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, flighted delivery on the stumps, Chandimal defends
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 2 runs, fifty for Chandimal - 20th in Tests. Flatter delivery outside off stump, Chandimal cuts nicely through point. A crucial hand from Chandimal
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, looks to punch off the back foot and misses. Appeal for caught behind, they think long about the review and say no. Just a bit of turn there for Jack Leach. UltraEdge is just a flat line
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 1 run, low full toss, clipped to square leg
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, punched off the back foot to deep cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, covers the line and defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, 2 runs, short and wide, cut hard to deep cover, man in the deep - Bess - slides and stops
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery on the off stump, Mathews defends off the front foot
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, fullish delivery on the off stump, Chandimal defends
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, spinning away outside off stump, Chandimal looks to defend, ball spins away past the edge
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, on the leg stump, Mathews knocks it towards square leg
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, gets a stride forward and defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flatter delivery outside off stump, Mathews pushes, the ball takes the outside edge and rolls to point
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery on the off stump, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, spinning away, Chandimal defends
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, flatter delivery outside off stump, Chandimal punches it to cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, flatter delivery, Mathews punches it to sweeper cover off the back foot
Jack Leach to Mathews, FOUR, mid-on in so Mathews takes the full ball on the aerial route, played against the turn but connected that well to clear the infield
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, plays off the back foot this time to the left of short cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery outside off stump, Mathews pushes to cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, loopy outside off, Chandimal drives crisply to the left of the fielder at short extra cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, stays on the back foot and blocks the flat delivery into the off-side
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, tossed up on off, pushed back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, short and wide of off, Mathews rocks back and slaps it square on the off-side
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 1 run, fuller outside off, driven away wide of cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, tossed up just outside off, Chandimal strides forward and blocks into the off-side
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, gets a big stride forward and defends the fuller delivery into the on-side. That's that for the second session.
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, opens the bat face and punches the quicker delivery to the left of cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, tapped away with soft hands in front of mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, Mathews stays on the back foot and punches this to the right of cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, full again, wristed to mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, full on off-stump, driven back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, arm ball, blocked back
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, another forward pressy drive to long-off
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 1 run, looped up, driven to long-off
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, drifting in on the stumps, Mathews drops it into the mid-wicket and gets across for an easy single
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 1 run, full on the stumps, Chandimal pushes the drive straight to long-off
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, opens the bat face and punches the quicker delivery to deep cover
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, nice and forward, solid block into the off-side
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, drifting into the pads, flicked off the inside half to short fine
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, full at the toes, flicked away to the right of mid-wicket. Another easy single
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flatter and just outside off, driven to the right of mid-off. A sliding stop from the fielder there
Jack Leach to Chandimal, 1 run, floated up on the stumps, Chandimal drives to the left of cover and calls his partner through for a quick single
Jack Leach to Chandimal, no run, strides forward and blocks it to cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flatter just outside off, Mathews punches crisply straight to the man at cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, punched away to the left of the bowler
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, fuller on the stumps, pushed back to the bowler \n
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, floated up on the stumps, Mathews stays leg-side of the delivery and drives it to the left of the bowler
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, played back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, lunges forward and blocks the tossed up delivery into the off-side
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, FOUR, slog sweep, the hard way, man at mid-wicket but Thirimanne didn't care. Got down on his knees and powered the ball away
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, flighted delivery outside off stump, Thirimanne drives it towards cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, very full and on the stumps, Mathews drives it to mid-off
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, flatter and on the off stump, Thirimanne taps it to point off the front foot
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, blocked from the crease
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, flighted delivery on the off stump, Mathews drives to long-off
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, defends off the back foot
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, flatter delivery outside off stump, Mathews punches it off the back foot through cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, fullish delivery just outside off stump, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery just outside off stump, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, FOUR, plays with the turn, overpitched and whipped away through mid-wicket to raise the fifty partnership
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, flatter delivery, Thirimanne knocks it to mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, flatter delivery outside off stump, Mathews punches square of the wicket on the off-side
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery on the off stump, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flatter delivery outside off stump, Mathews cuts to point
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, neatly pressed off the front foot to cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery close to off stump, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, full and down leg, Thirimanne knocks it to leg
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, flatter delivery, Thirimanne chops it square of the wicket on the off-side
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, it's not as full as the previous delivery, so defends. Leach coming round the wicket for that ball
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, FOUR, now more power on the drive, got a nice stride forward to get to the pitch of this flighted delivery and a crunching sound of the bat meant it sped past short cover, Anderson escorts to the boundary
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, flighted delivery on the off stump, Thirimanne defends
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, goes back in the crease and watchfully knocks this to short leg with the turn
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 2 runs, nice drive along the ground through cover, gently hit so just two
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, on the leg stump, Mathews knocks it to short leg
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, spinning down leg, Thirimanne glances it to backward square leg
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, over the wicket to the left-hander, Thirimanne defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, pushed to cover
Jack Leach to Mathews, FOUR, oh interesting! Jack Leach floats this up on off stump, it's a Day 1 surface so won't turn much, Mathews lofts and went hard at it, just bounced in front of the long-off boundary
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, flighted delivery on the stumps, Mathews defends
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, tossed full at the pads, Mathews goes slightly hard on the flick and finds mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, stretches forward and pushes the full delivery to mid-on
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, back to the bowler once again
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, tossed up just outside off, driven back to the bowler
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, full on the pads, blocked to FSL
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, goes on the back foot and punches it into the covers
Jack Leach to Mathews, no run, short outside off, left alone to the keeper
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, turning in from a length outside off, nudged away to deep square
Jack Leach to Mathews, 1 run, powers the flatter delivery to deep cover
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, 1 run, gets a little full on the pads and Thirimanne's clipped it wide of the man at mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, yet again goes on the back foot and blocks to mid-wicket
Jack Leach to Thirimanne, no run, drifting in around off, Thirimanne goes back and defends it into the leg-side